2019年10月〜12月の約2ヶ月間で、本みりん研究所を運営するmachiminが実施した「流鉄壁画プロジェクト」。そこで、みりん研究員の佐藤や黒田が、英・壁画ペイントアーティストClare Wallis(クレア・ウォーレス)さんに流山の白みりんを使った食事を作り、ランチの時間を共に過ごしました。
ごはんを通じて知った日本(Japan That I Saw Through Meals by Clare Wallis)
It is nearing two months since our time at machimin, Nagareyama.
Looking back and remembering the food we got each day, it not only allowed the work within the community to prosper but graciously displayed the rich splendours of this highly developed Japanese cuisine.
These meals were made voluntarily by locals from within the community.
People had stepped forward who prided themselves on having special knowledge in areas within this traditional cuisine.
A few ladies were fermentation experts and knew a lot about the processes involved in making miso and Amazake. Understanding the principles of these helped form a better understanding of -in my opinion- the fundamentals in Japanese flavours.
I learnt about Koji, Soya and Mirin. Different combinations of these 3 elements form the delicious bases that hold the building blocks of Nippon flavour.
There was such a wide variety of flavours and processes, I will do my best to write about them here, I am not a food critic or chief so my dialogue may not be appropriate at times but below is a sample of the moments that stood out to me.
I was introduced to simple meals of the everyday to grander meals for celebrations and special events.
The variety of interaction within the eating process ranged from griddling, frying and boiling on the table whilst people helped themselves with tongs, skewers or ladles.
Takoyaki (balls of batter filled with octopus) have a charm to watch made in front of you with all the varying ingredients chopped so finely and scattered into the designated frying holes, like a farmer sowing seeds, followed by frantic stick action to make the batter turn into balls. Green onions, tempura scraps, sometimes kimchi, and Pickled ginger! The pink strands of sweet sharp joys. My favourite of all the pickles, these spice up the balls and any dish with a flash of colour and bite. Fried noodles, curry, and let’s not forget the sticky rice, the best rice in the world.
It was such an honour to be shared the rice and meet the farmer who actually grew it. The first day we were given Onigiri, big rice balls wrapped in seaweed. The biggest I have seen to date, packed with sour plum, tuna, fish eggs, such a generous and hearty welcome, bursting with gratitude.
Each meal was adorned with a number of tiny side dishes, pickles, soups, crispy fishy crunchy bits, seaweed sheets and of course a beautiful cut slice of fruit at the end, eaten off the end of a tiny stick.
Sandwiches were made that overflowed with the middle bit (the best bit) I can’t quite remember but I think it was called ‘the guilty sandwich’ due to its generous helpings of katsu chicken, egg and pickles.
Gyosas griddled and turned with tongs, soya and vinegar dipping sauce a favourite of mine.
Hand rolls, where beautiful sashimi was cut and laid out in a glorious spread of colours for each to choose from like children in a candy shop. I can see why the hand roll (Te Maki-sushi) is for birthdays and special occasions, it is a spectacular sight full of pinks and oranges glinting ready to be wrapped in a delicious salty seaweed sheet. It reminded me of Mexican tacos and the choices laid out to fill our hand with as pleased.
The simpler meals such as Odeng and the quick boil broths were wholesome and elegant in the warm, nourishment they provided. They were a favourite of children and you could get them in most convenient stores as a fast food takeout. Intriguing objects bobbed about in this rich soup, each with its own unique texture. Fish sausages of different shapes and sizes, Konjac jelly Noodles that gave your teeth a bouncy castle. Large mochi rice sacks full of stretchy gloop. Giant pieces of radish submerged brimming with juices, a great way of storing the broth’s flavour allowing the meaty liquid to surge into your mouth. These broths are common in the winter and a sustainable way of continuing leftovers from previous meals.
I can confidently say I believe no other country produces such a consistent and effortless mastery of food presentation. Every meal presented was carefully considered including extra details like characters carved into radishes or shapes cut out of carrots.
The small portions of each tasty bite brings extra value that this is something to savour mindfully and not just gobble down.
Gaetan said ‘The food had good proportion and a nice balanced of flavours. Many flavours were surprising and new textures were involved. He never felt too heavy after a meal even though they were rich and flavourful. It was unusual to eat sweet and salty together so often.’ Sweet omelette, sour plums, mixed up his usual interpretation of what dimension a food normally takes.
There is still so much I do not know as to how the subtleties of balance within flavours and textures are realised. There is a grace to the art of Japanese food that I can liken to my limited knowledge of a meditation approach, ‘noting’ the act of noticing a thought. Instead of clamping down on it and pushing the thought aside, one notes it with the lightness of a delicate feather’s touch.
There is something about the way many meals are presented that has an elegance and wisdom deeply rooted. Something to do with the positioning of the dishes, the balance of the proportions and perhaps the order they are eaten in? The meaning or tradition behind these efforts I am curious to understand or failing that at least learn about.
machimin supplied a wealth of culinary elegance which provided me with an insight into a culture I truly admire.
Thank you machimin.
